FYI: If you are searching for a zipper color, be sure to put it in a 5 digit format. In other words, if you are looking for "501" , please enter "00501" in the search box. This keeps the zipper numbers from having problems with other products. Thank you!
FYI: If you are searching for a zipper color, be sure to put it in a 5 digit format. In other words, if you are looking for "501" , please enter "00501" in the search box. This keeps the zipper numbers from having problems with other products. Thank you!
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Pre-Order Buy Info

Important Info.

If you are buying in a "Pre-Order Buy" it means that the product is NOT in stock. 

The title of the item will clearly state that it is a Pre-Order item.

We typically hold a 7-10 day time frame open in which the buy is open for taking orders.

Then, the day after the order taking closes, we place the order with our vendor. 


We have had pretty good luck lately in getting everything we order.

However... If the vendor shorts us on a color that affects your order, we reserve the right to substitute another color if your order is short 3 colors or less.   

If your order is short more than 3 colors, we will contact you. 

Placing a mixed item order:
We do not "hold" orders.  It is best if you do not mix items on an order.

If you place an order in which some items are Pre-Order and some are In Stock, we will ship the In Stock items right away, and the Pre-Order will ship out when we receive those goods. 

This will usually cause a second shipping charge - so we will invoice you for the shipping on the second order and it must be paid before the remainder of your order gets shipped out.