More Colors, More Sizes!!!!
Welcome Sewing.School Folks!
If you haven't been over here in a while, we have a surprise for you!
Now, the store is arranged so you can easily select your zipper color in any number of ways (just look below on this page!) and see the sizes and options that are available for that color!
Before you shop for zippers, remember that VIPs on Sewing.School get a 60% discount!
If you're not a VIP, head on over to and check out our membership page -
Be sure to read the home page over there to check out any current specials.
What's New!
Mom's feelin' good and has been super busy again! She's really outdone herself this time with a new project: Snazzy Slider Mojo Tote. If you already own Bionic Gear Bag, this one is designed to pair up with it.
She went through about 7 different "tweaks" to get that thing to behave as beautifully as it does!
The cement mixer and her seam ripper worked overtime. 😁
In the end, we got the final perfect frame sizes worked out to make the mechanics of that bag perform magnificently! Look below and visit her site: to see the project in more detail.