Zippers 101
NOTE: All of our zipper colors are in a 5 digit format. So if you are searching for a color, please use 5 digits. Ex: Color #156 is in the system consistently as 00156.
About the zippers:
All nylon zippers are easily trimmed to fit your project.
Silder Pulls - as pictured:
Red: #3
Pink: #4.5 double pull
Grey: #4.5 single pull
Zippers are measured across the teeth in millimeters.
#3 - 3mm across the teeth. This is the typical zipper found in big box stores that are used for skirts, pants, and crafts. The pull is small, lays flat and locks.
#4.5 - 4.5mm across the teeth. This is a desirable zipper with a larger handbag pull that works well for exterior of bags or for men's items.
Our Lengths:
14" - #3 , with single pull
22" - #3 , with single pull
30" - #4.5 , with single pull
40" - #4.5 , with double pulls
60" - #4.5, with single pull
Extra Pulls:
We also sell the #4.5 size pulls individually. So for example: a 60" zipper could be cut into three 20" zippers and two extra pulls would complete the end result into being 3 usable zippers.
Measurement of the Zippers....
YKK has a tolerance factor that means the length of the zipper is measured from outside the metal stops - and in our experience, can be approx. ¼" shorter (from between the outside edges of the stops) than described.
Going longer and trimming is always an option.